Convention Round Up: Ursa Major A Virtual J-Fashion Event

Ursa Major A Virtual J-Fashion Event
This year from May 22-24 2020 in honor of Fanime, The Black Ribbon teamed up with several AMAZING indie brands as well as talented panelists to bring you some of the content they were helping produce for the California Anime convention this year to your very own home. Fans of Lolita Fashion, J-Fashion and other street styles rejoice! This stunning group of panelists and brands will present new coordinates in lolita, gothic, yamikawaii, pastel kei and other styles.
Lolita Collective and Puvithel did a Panel on Running your Own Fashion Company!
It was the first time I ever participated in something like this, and it was a bunch of fun! Puvithel and I chatted about some of the "102" things about launching your own brand. I definitely felt like there were many things I wanted to cover that I didn't get to in this conversation. We made a rough outline before hand, but there were so many topics to cover and so little time! I also made the mistake of thinking I should interact with what basically turned out to be a troll? Lessons learned! We tried to talk about what it's like to run your own lolita fashion company. We talked about margins, branding, resources and so much more!
Indie Designers Showcasing their Collections and Specials During this Event
A Gato Designs:
Releasing “Shiro Goshikku” Collection
Releasing a limited amount floral & ribbon embroidery pieces in the theme of the event
Putting up newly restocked items and some new items, and a shipping discount promotion
The Black Ribbon:
Re-releasing some very popular items and adding entirely new releases.
Lily of the Valley:
Releasing a small number of Mushroom Print skirts
Lipton Cunningham: or (DM to purchase)
Releasing an accessories collection
Nerdy Bit:
3-5 all new items as well as offer 20% off during the event use code: fanime2020
Paradise Rose:
Offering a release of sakura resin sampling, an ode to older pieces as well as some newer designs
Having a pin sale during the event
Sweet Mildred:
Releasing a new themed collection, “Celestial Emissary”. It will include dresses, skirts, matching accessories and jewelry
Schedule for Ursa Major A Virtual J-Fashion Event
The current schedule is still pending but here is a simplified one until the final details are completed. The latest information can be found on the Facebook Page for the Event
Below is our Panel schedule for Saturday May 23. We will be updating it with additional information soon!
1:00pm PDT – Coping through Art – Menhera Fashion – Hosted by Puvithel
Menhera is casual, cute, and a self-expression of our struggles, sickness, and symptoms. Come learn about this fashion with indie designer Puvithel.
This is highly recommended for J-fashion beginners as menhera is a very comfortable and personally meaningful style.
2:15pm PDT – How to Tie a Casual Obi – Hosted by The Black Ribbon
Learn 5 different ways to tie a casual obi, including some VERY quick and modern styles. Additional Panel info at:
3:30pm PDT – Where to Buy Lolita Fashion – Hosted by Mindy Pile
Where and how to buy lolita fashion and accessories – brand, taobao, indie, and everything in between!
4:45pm PDT – Posing Panel – Hosted by Plentiful Pie
The perfect outfit deserves the perfect photo! Not sure what to do in front of the camera? Learn some practical tips on posing from a seasoned J-fashionista and start looking your best!
6:00pm PDT – Intro and History of EGL Fashion – Hosted by Obsixwi
Have you ever been curious about EGL fashion and its history? Join us for a deep dive on one of the most recognizable J-fashions through the years!
7:15pm PDT – J-Fashion Sewing “How to Pattern a Gored Skirt” – Hosted by The Black Ribbon
Want to know how to make a classic A-line skirt? Let’s do it at 1/2 scale together and you can try it out on your own at full size later!
While this event has passed many of these videos are saved on the twitch channels of their posters.
Thanks so much to Halley of The Black Ribbon for providing the content and framework for this event! It does take so much to put these things together, we are so lucky to have her as part of our community!