New Year! New You! New LC!

Kick 2020 out of here! What a year it has been!
Look forward to 2021! What can you expect from us?
So many exciting things!
Are you a maker? We will be opening applications to join us this January. We are excited to onboard people quickly and easily with our new marketplace system.
Conventions! We can't wait to see you all safely whenever that is possible! For now, we will continue to wear our masks, wash our hands, and plan for when we can see you all again!
More sizes! More items! We will continue to search out made to order and plus size manufacturers to bring you cute clothes in all sizes.
Going into 2020, we had planned this year to wind down LC and then close. Heading to convention after convention had really taken its toll on our staff. Sales just weren't enough to keep us going. The overhead for shows was destroying us financially, while our backend systems were a complete mess keeping us from getting our vendor friends what they needed. Thankfully, we had a break to focus on these issues.
We spent this year trying to focus on what the core of our business is:
Providing a sales platform for J-Fashion creators to sell their wares!
Being a one-stop-shop for Lolita Fashion basics and accessories!
With this mission in mind, we know we still have room to grow.
We are looking forward to bringing you a stronger better Lolita Collective!
Thank you for your continued support!